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il Rules:
  1. Be mature and respectful
    yelzmek ta7tarem il nes il kol w matseb 7ad w ken staff member 9alek bedel ismek bedlo il feyda il i7tiraaaaam.

  2. No Cheating or Exploiting
    mayelmekch t3mel 7weyej mta3 abuse trab7ek flous wala ay 7aja ken tel9a bug reportih fil forum.

  3. No anti-AFK exploiting
    mayelmekch tabuzi il AFK system makench te5o punish 3liha.

  4. Macros and Automatic Scripts
    mayelmekch testa3mel scripts y7otouk tabusi kima ta3mel scrip ya93ad yfarmi wa7do.

  5. No interfering with Staff affairs
    mayelmekch teda5al fi omour il staffs ken famma 7keya reportih fil forum.

  6. Please use English in public chats
    a7ki ken english fil main chat makench te5ou mute, 7ell F10 bech ta7ki bil tounsi wala /ar "text".

  7. Advertising
    mayelmekch thaba wala t9oul il jme3a or5rin ino famma server e5er ijew il3bo fih.

  8. No spamming
    fil chat mayelmekch tespami w maylmekch tekteb bil CAPS w mayelmekch t7ot 8na mta3 il speaker fil ay bo93a il 3bed taw tkarraz.

  9. No scamming or selling in-game money
    mayelzmech tesra9 flous players tet7ayel 3lihom wala tbii3d flous IG.

  10. No trolling
    mayemelch tetrolli ta93ad tebloki fil mad5al mta3 robbery wala ay 7keya mta3 troll.

  11. No ramming
    maylmekch trammi il players lo5rin tejm tramm ken il thodek s7abek leeeeee.

  12. Speaker rule
    il speaker yelzmek testa3mlo fi b9aya3 tkoun fiha party kima fil House, il feyda fi bo93a fiha 3bed lee (kima il LSPD,store,spawner).

  13. No impersonating
    mayelmech tenta7el cha5siyet ay we7ed or ay group.

  14. Do not block entrances to buildings or interiors.
    mayelzmekch tsakar il biben bil karhba mta3 ay bo93a

  15. Do not avoid death/arrests by abusing features.
    mayelzmekch tsakar il game we9teli cop le7a9 fi jertek wala ta3mel quitjob bech mat7othomch ye9tlouk wala ayh 7keya mta3 abuse bech maye9tloukech.

  16. Do not beg players for money.
    mat93adch t9arrra9 bech il players ya3tiwek flous.

Official group / Base rules

  1. Entering official group bases.
    mayelmekch tod5ol lil ay base mta3 ay group yelzmek tchewerhom lawel ken 9aloulek behi mrigel.

  2. Shooting players inside bases.
    matchoutech 3ala ay players fil base mte3o, ken howa bda tharbek tejem tethrbo.

  3. Hiding in bases.
    ma3andekch il 7a9 bech tet5aba fil base mte3ek ken 3andek 500wanted points wala akthar wala 3andek bounty.

  4. Events.
    we9teli Group 3amel event m3ndekch il 7a9 bech terolihem b ay tari9a, w we9toli y9oloulek ib3ed min hal bo93a yelzmek tesma3 il klem.
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